sources: Aaron Ross: Their Victory, Not Ours

- About Me
- I am loosely liberal, however I don't participate or keep up with any particular party or affiliation. This is mostly due to the fact that I don't even have the right to vote, as I am not a U.S. citizen. I am taking this class to try and understand more about the country I live in, and the values it espouses. Through this, I hope to gain a stance on my own political ideology.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Freedom isn't our gift, it's their right
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Gay Marriage
It is the state’s job to set marriage laws but the government should have a general law pertaining to how the state laws are carried out - such as whether or not other states must recognize marriage licenses from other states.
Laws should be made to protect the people, benefit to ones safely and followed by all citizens because everyone is equal. So a law that denies the rights of certain citizens would not be right because of certain religious beliefs. The Constitution was written for all people and not just for religious groups, if it were, then that would go against separation of church and state and also against the Fourteenth Amendment which states that “nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
Civil unions and marriages are not the same because civil unions do not offer the same benefits and protections as marriages do to heterosexual couples in different states. Having civil unions was taking one step forward, but the inequality of it compared to marriages is taking one step back. Because marriage is seen as a religious institution, shouldn’t all heterosexual couples that marry be religious? Why is it okay for non-religious heterosexuals to be allowed this “sacred” part of religion when they do not practice/nor believe in a certain religion as opposed to homosexuals that do but cannot share in this part of religion?
I believe that the church is fighting against many things that should not be in their hands but in the hands of all United States citizens. We should all play in a role in what our country allows and does not allow but we are also held responsible to research and listen to other ideas and make our own decision and question all other ideas before we make a decision. Especially one that effects countless other Americans because it is each of our rights to be able to live in freedom and happiness so long as we are not harming others, so how is two men or two women getting married hurting you?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Other Women Should Be Lady Liberty
Representative Lee's camp has not yet made a statement and he has resigned from office.
I guess this post isn't full of information life changing content, but it just comes to show you that our government isn't perfect and neither are the people we elect. It's important to research and educate yourself on your representatives but also realize that they're human, too. People all make mistakes, and our government does, too.
Maybe Representative Lee should just apologize and continue doing his best for the state of New York, or maybe he is lacking some morals and should have stepped down. Let's just hope whoever replaces him is more honorable.
One of my friend's retweeted this tweet and I thought it was hilarious, I had to share!

Source New York Times + Twitter