It's not that uncommon for scandals about politicians to leak to the masses every so often. I find these oddly humorous when it does. Don't get me wrong, someone else's pain isn't my pleasure. I find them humorous because the scandals involving politicians on the tabloids often times involve an anti-homosexual politician and their boy toy. The recent sex scandal to hit the blogs involves Representative Christopher Lee of New York. Rep Lee recently was caught soliciting a relationship with a women on the infamous Craigslist 'women seeking men' section of the website. The women was looking for someone who was emotionally and financially stable, guess the economy must be hitting her hard, too. I know that we all except the government to fix the unemployment issue, so I guess she took it into your own hands, went straight to the source and bagged her politician? Unfortunately for her, this one was already accounted for. Naturally, the other women did what most of us in this generation does - a little stalking. After Googling her prince, she realized he was lying to her and got her revenge by sending the emails to the online rag.
Representative Lee's camp has not yet made a statement and he has resigned from office.
I guess this post isn't full of information life changing content, but it just comes to show you that our government isn't perfect and neither are the people we elect. It's important to research and educate yourself on your representatives but also realize that they're human, too. People all make mistakes, and our government does, too.
Maybe Representative Lee should just apologize and continue doing his best for the state of New York, or maybe he is lacking some morals and should have stepped down. Let's just hope whoever replaces him is more honorable.
One of my friend's retweeted this tweet and I thought it was hilarious, I had to share!

Source New York Times + Twitter
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